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Indian actor Jaaved Jaaferi Posts About ‘Hamaslighting’, Persistently Voices Support for Palestine

Indian actor Jaaved Jaaferi Posts About 'Hamaslighting', Persistently Voices Support for Palestine
Indian actor Jaaved Jaaferi Posts About 'Hamaslighting', Persistently Voices Support for Palestine

The acclaimed Indian actor and comedian, Jaaved Jaaferi, has become a prominent supporter of the Palestinian cause, using his social media presence to highlight this issue.

With a substantial following of over 948,000 on his X account, the star recently shared an image, originally created by another account, introducing the term “Hamaslighting” in a satirical attempt to bring attention to his audience.

The post described “Hamaslighting” as a method of gaslighting employed to divert or perplex discussions when a nation, particularly Israel, perpetrates genocide against innocent Palestinians.

This strategy is often utilized by interjecting ‘but Hamas!’ into conversations. Additionally, the statement “Israel has a right to defend itself” was cited as an instance of “Hamaslighting

The Boogie Woogie star has previously expressed support for Palestine. This is not the first time. Numerous posts on his X and Instagram accounts showcase different facets of the continuous aggression. Jaaved posted two screenshots of news articles on X in one post.

In one, it was reported that the Delhi police had stopped mosque prayers for Palestine; in the other, it was reported that India had congratulated Palestine on its Independence Day, highlighting the “long-standing bond” between the two countries.

Jaaved proposed a critical analysis of the opposing narratives and urged his followers to read both articles. “Read one, then two. Continue until it becomes clear,” he stated.

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