Hadiqa Kiani, the renowned singer and actress, has a deeply touching story of adoption and resilience that has inspired many. At the age of 16, Nad Ali, her adopted son, came into her life through the Edhi Foundation after tragically losing his parents in the devastating 2005 earthquake.

In a 2018 interview with Samina Pirzada, Kiani shared the legal hurdles she faced as a single woman trying to legalize her son’s adoption.
Despite her challenges, she persevered, eventually marrying a British businessman of Afghan origin to navigate through the legal complexities.
Unfortunately, her second marriage didn’t last, but her dedication to her son never wavered.
However, her journey was not without its share of criticism and online bashing. Society’s outdated norms often pressured her to marry for the sake of her son’s upbringing, dismissing her ability to raise him alone.
Despite these challenges, Kiani remained steadfast in her commitment to providing a loving and nurturing environment for her son.

As Hadiqa Kiani continues to champion the cause of single parenthood and advocate for positive change, her story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for countless others facing similar challenges.
Through her resilience and unwavering determination, she embodies the strength and courage of single parents everywhere.

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