Punjabi actor-singer Diljit Dosanjh recently unveiled the highly anticipated teaser for his film Punjab 95, which generated immense excitement among his fans. He shared the teaser on his X (formerly Twitter) account, adding the strong statement: “Full movie, no cuts,” and the hashtag #ChallengeTheDarkness. Directed by Honey Trehan and produced by Ronnie Screwvala, the film is set to release on February 7, giving audiences a glimpse into a powerful and intense story.
The teaser begins with Arjun Rampal’s character asking a thought-provoking question: “Look at the history of Punjab, sir. Be it the dispute over its rivers, Operation Bluestar, Indira Gandhi’s assassination, or the 1984 riots, from President’s rule to the chief minister’s assassination, and now… why is Punjab suffering?” This opening sets the tone for a story about struggle, injustice, and courage.
Punjab 95 tells the story of Sikh rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra, who courageously exposed over 25,000 illegal killings, disappearances, and secret cremations carried out by the Punjab Police. The film portrays Khalra’s unwavering fight for justice, culminating in his abduction, torture, and eventual murder. Six police officers were later convicted for their role in these crimes.
Diljit Dosanjh stars as Khalra, investigating the disappearance of Sukhdev Singh. The teaser showcases his unyielding pursuit of truth, risking his life to uncover the dark reality behind Sukhdev’s case.
The film has faced challenges, with the CBFC suggesting 120 cuts due to its sensitive subject matter. Despite this, the film received approval after a 2022 screening for Khalra’s family.
Alongside the teaser, Dosanjh shared behind-the-scenes photos on Instagram, giving fans a glimpse of his intense portrayal of Khalra. As excitement builds, Punjab 95 promises to be a gripping and impactful film when it releases on February 7.
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