
Nadia Khan Criticizes Behroze Sabzwari’s Controversial Remarks on Women

Nadia Khan Criticizes Behroze Sabzwari's Controversial Remarks on Women
Nadia Khan Criticizes Behroze Sabzwari's Controversial Remarks on Women

Nadia Khan Stands Up Against Behroze Sabzwari’s Controversial Comments on Women,

Nadia Khan, a prominent figure in the Pakistani entertainment industry, has spoken out against veteran actor Behroze Sabzwari for his controversial remarks about women.

During a recent podcast, Sabzwari made comments about his ex-daughter-in-law and other women, which have sparked significant backlash.

In an interview, Nadia Khan expressed her disapproval, stating, “I think it is okay if he only talks about himself, but I have a problem when he passes statements on women. In a recent podcast, he talked about his ex-daughter-in-law.

Sometimes, he talks against other women, he also criticizes women for their clothing, and he keeps an eye on how women dress up. Sometimes, he talks against me, it has become a pattern now.”

Nadia highlighted how Sabzwari’s comments have created a stir in the media, leading to widespread discussions and criticisms.

She appreciated Hina Bayat’s response to Sabzwari’s statements, praising her for taking a strong stance. “Hina Bayat made a brilliant video on his recent viral statement.

I liked her stance. I think it is true that he is enjoying being discussed on various platforms after such statements,” Nadia said.

Marina Khan, another respected figure in the industry, also weighed in on the matter.

She emphasized the responsibility that actors have as public figures and representatives of the media fraternity.

According to Marina, “actors are ambassadors as they represent themselves, and the media fraternity and they should not talk against anyone.”

Nadia Khan’s comments have resonated with many, shedding light on the importance of respectful discourse and the impact of public statements made by influential figures.

As the conversation continues, it is crucial for members of the entertainment industry to uphold their responsibilities and foster a culture of respect and understanding.

The incident serves as a reminder of the power of words and the need for mindful communication, especially by those in the public eye.

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