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Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar’s Alleged Betrayal of Adnan Siddiqui

Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar's Alleged Betrayal of Adnan Siddiqui
Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar's Alleged Betrayal of Adnan Siddiqui

Adnan Siddiqui, one of Pakistan’s most prominent actors, recently found himself in controversy after making an offhand comment comparing women to flies.

The remark quickly went viral, drawing widespread criticism and putting the star in hot water. While Siddiqui later clarified his statement, the situation took another twist during an interview with renowned writer Khalil ur Rehman Qamar (KRQ).

The incident sparked a public feud between the two, with Siddiqui now speaking out about the contentious call.

The Controversial Statement

The controversy began when Adnan Siddiqui commented during a casual conversation that compared women to flies. This comment was not well-received, leading to significant backlash from the public and media.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Siddiqui later clarified, explaining that his comment was meant as a joke and was taken out of context.

The Live Call Incident

The situation escalated during an interview with KRQ. When asked about Siddiqui’s controversial statement, KRQ decided to bring Siddiqui into the conversation via a live call. Unbeknownst to Siddiqui, the call was being recorded and would be used as part of the interview.

During the call, Siddiqui candidly clarified his previous comments, attempting to rectify the misunderstanding.

The Fallout with KRQ

However, the recorded call did not go as planned. Instead of quelling the controversy, it sparked a new one. Siddiqui revealed in a subsequent interview with Maliha Rehman that he was unaware the call was being recorded for broadcast.

He expressed his displeasure with KRQ for not informing him about the recording. This lack of transparency led to a rift between Siddiqui and KRQ, with Siddiqui feeling betrayed and upset about the incident.

Siddiqui’s Response

In his interview with Maliha Rehman, Adnan Siddiqui shared his frustration over the incident. He emphasized the importance of being cautious about what is said in public and the need to avoid making offhand remarks that can be misinterpreted.

“I will be more vigilant from now on,” Siddiqui stated, acknowledging the lesson learned from this experience. He also noted that casual,

“locker room” talk is not appropriate for public forums, as people may not always understand the intended humor.

Siddiqui further criticized KRQ for the way the call was handled. “KRQ had taken me on the call without telling me that it was being recorded for an interview, which is not something I am happy about,” he said.

This breach of trust has left Siddiqui feeling angry and more guarded in his interactions with the media.

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