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Iqra Kanwal Reveals her First Salary from YouTube and her Family Planning, Receiving Mixed Remarks from the Public

Iqra Kanwal Reveals her First Salary from YouTube and her Family Planning, Receiving Mixed Remarks from the Public
Iqra Kanwal Reveals her First Salary from YouTube and her Family Planning, Receiving Mixed Remarks from the Public

Iqra Kanwal, a well-known YouTuber and social media personality, has captured the hearts of many with her engaging content and charming personality. Recently, Iqra revealed several personal and professional details that provide a deeper insight into her life and journey to fame.

A Strong Bond with Her Sister Rabia

Iqra Kanwal shares a special bond with her sister Rabia, who she considers her favorite. Despite a two-year age difference, the sisters are incredibly close and supportive of each other. Rabia has been a significant part of Iqra’s life and success, standing by her side through thick and thin.

Love for Islamabad and Culinary Delights

Iqra’s love for Islamabad is well-known among her fans. The serene beauty and peaceful environment of the city resonate deeply with her, making it her favorite place to live. Alongside her love for the city, Iqra also has a penchant for certain foods.

She is particularly fond of biryani and strawberry delights, which she often enjoys during special moments.

A Six-Year Journey to Fame

Iqra’s rise to fame was not an overnight success. It took her six years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance to become a well-known figure in the YouTube community.

Her journey is a testament to her commitment and passion for creating content that resonates with her audience.

Love Marriage and Memorable Moments

Iqra’s personal life is as enchanting as her professional one. She is happily married, and her marriage is a love match, which adds a romantic touch to her life story.

Among her most cherished memories are her Nikah ceremony and the meet and greet events with her fans, particularly the Sisterlogy community, which have left a lasting impact on her heart.

A Passion for Medicine

Interestingly, if Iqra had not ventured into the world of blogging and YouTube, she would have pursued a career in medicine. Her desire to become a doctor showcases her diverse interests and her inclination towards helping others.

Despite her successful career as a YouTuber, she still holds a deep respect for the medical profession.

Commitment to YouTube

Iqra is dedicated to her YouTube career and has no plans of quitting. She enjoys creating content and connecting with her audience, which brings her immense joy and satisfaction.

Her unwavering commitment to her channel is evident in the consistent quality of her videos and her interactions with her fans.

First YouTube Salary: A Milestone Achievement

One of the most significant milestones in Iqra’s career was receiving her first salary from YouTube. She revealed that her first paycheck amounted to 80,000 PKR, a moment of pride and achievement for her.

This initial income not only marked the beginning of her financial independence but also motivated her to continue striving for excellence.

They also revealed that they are not currently planning to start a family. Instead, they are focusing on their careers and enjoying a stable, travel-oriented life.

Areeb’s Attachment to His Belongings

Iqra also shared a charming detail about her family life, mentioning how Areeb, presumably a close family member, is very attached to his belongings. This endearing trait adds a personal touch to Iqra’s stories, making her relatable and endearing to her fans.

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