Actress Ayesha Omar, a daring, gorgeous, and intelligent Pakistani woman, is renowned for her unwavering confidence and beauty.
She starred in a number of well-known blockbuster dramas, such as Bulbulay, Habs, and Zindagi Gulzar Hai. The successful feature film Karachi Se Lahore starred Ayesha Omar.
She also starred in Rehbara, Texali Gate, and other motion pictures. Ayesha Omar underwent collarbone surgery recently, and she is recuperating. She also needs the prayers of her admirers.

Ayesha discussed her accident during her appearance on Green Entertainment’s Ramadan broadcast. She also offered advice on mental wellness.
Speaking about the mishap, Ayesha stated, “I was driving with Azfar Rehman on the highway when we left for a one-day shoot for the brand Kapray.
He was driving very fast, and that’s when the accident happened. I was hit by the back of the front seat, breaking my collar bone.
All of this happened because I wasn’t wearing a seat belt. I now always buckle up, even when I’m riding in the back or when someone is driving slowly. The video where Ayesha Omar discussed her accident may be seen here:

Speaking about it, she stated, “Your thought process is connected to everything.” It’s a scientific fact that your emotions are a reflection of your thoughts.
For instance, when I think about my injury, I am anxious about getting well or getting moved securely, and I don’t want anyone to get close to me.
These stressful thoughts have an impact on me.
The reason I panicked is that stress or danger causes your body to release the hormone cortisol. Stress that isn’t required is bad for us because it affects both our physical and emotional well-being.
Ayesha Omar and Azfar Rehman experienced a dangerous accident on highway in Haiderabad, Sindh:

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