Pakistani stars Kubra Khan and Gohar Rasheed have confirmed their wedding plans, finally ending weeks of speculation. The couple shared the exciting news through a playful and heartfelt video on social media, which delighted fans everywhere
In the video, prominent celebrities like Humayun Saeed, Asim Azhar, and Azaan Sami Khan humorously discuss a mystery wedding, referring to it as “Meri Yaar Ki Shadi Hai” (It’s my friend’s wedding). As the suspense builds, Kubra and Gohar appear on-screen, smiling warmly and pointing affectionately at each other. Their confirmation cleared all doubts and thrilled their audience.
Though the couple has not revealed many details about the event, reports suggest they will marry in Saudi Arabia’s holy city. Close friends and family are expected to attend, making the celebration intimate and spiritual. Kubra Khan and Gohar Rasheed expressed their excitement in the video caption, “Aapke Pyar aur Duaon ke Saath … Bismillah” (With your love and prayers… Bismillah).
Kubra and Gohar’s journey from co-stars to life partners has captivated many. Consequently, their wedding has become one of the most anticipated events. As they prepare to take this next step, fans eagerly await more glimpses of their special day. They are certain it will be filled with love, joy, and cherished memories.
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