The Mumbai Police have launched a thorough investigation into the brutal attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his residence in Bandra, Mumbai. The incident, which occurred on Wednesday night, shocked the film industry and beyond.
According to reports, an intruder armed with a knife broke into Saif’s home around 2:30 am. In response, the unarmed actor confronted the attacker and was stabbed six times, with two of the wounds being deep and one dangerously close to his spine.
The police received an immediate alert and dispatched a team to the scene. However, the assailant had already fled, leaving behind a trail of blood and a shaken family. A Mumbai Police spokesperson emphasized, “We are taking this incident very seriously and are working tirelessly to identify the attacker and bring them to justice.”
Meanwhile, the police have detained three staff members from Saif and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s home for questioning. Additionally, authorities have filed an FIR against the attacker. As part of their investigation, they are reviewing CCTV footage and conducting door-to-door inquiries to gather further information.
Following the attack, Saif Ali Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery for his injuries. Although his condition remains critical, his family and fans continue to pray for his swift recovery. As the investigation progresses, the Mumbai Police are urging anyone with relevant information to come forward.
As a result, the Bollywood fraternity and fans worldwide are demanding justice for Saif and his family. The Mumbai Police remain focused on ensuring that the perpetrator is apprehended and brought to justice.
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