Renowned sports presenter Zainab Abbas has shared the joyous news of her second son’s birth, filling her family with happiness. Zainab, admired for her insightful sports coverage, announced the arrival of her second child on social media. Her second son, Haider Hamza Kardar, was born just in time to welcome the New Year. This addition brought immense love and happiness to their family, making the start of the year even more special.
Zainab is the daughter of political leader Andleeb Abbas and first-class cricketer Nasir Abbas, known for their achievements. In November 2019, she married Hamza Kardar, the son of Shahid Hafeez Kardar, a former Governor. The couple has built a beautiful family, with their first son, Taimur Hamza Kardar, born in December 2021. Since then, their lives have been filled with joy, and now, their happiness has multiplied with Haider’s birth.
Zainab shared the news on social media, expressing joy with the message, “Taimur’s little brother arrived with the New Year.” Along with the post, she shared touching images, including one of Zainab cradling her newborn. Another photo showed Taimur holding his baby brother in his lap, capturing a heartwarming family moment. However, Zainab kept her newborn’s face private, adding a sense of intimacy to the announcement.
The post received an outpouring of love and congratulations from fans, sports figures, and fellow presenters celebrating the moment. Their support highlights Zainab’s immense popularity and respect, not only in the sports world but also in her personal life. As Zainab embraces motherhood for the second time, fans continue to support her and celebrate the growing family.
Looking ahead, Zainab’s fans eagerly await her next chapter, both in her personal life and career, with excitement.
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