These days, Iqra Aziz and her sister Sidra Aziz are two strong, self-reliant women who work hard. Sidra and Iqra lost their father at a young age, but Iqra’s mother was a true strength;

She raised her daughters with integrity and hard work, enabling them to grow into the women they are today.

Their mother worked as a Careem driver until her girls required her to, making her the first female driver in Pakistan.

Sidra Aziz left Pakistan to pursue her further education, hence she did not have her own independent career. Her sister and her nephew Kabeer are very close to her.
On social media, she also posts details about her life’s path, and a lot of young ladies follow her. She just posted about her incredible weight transformation on Instagram.
She now has a significantly smaller waist and looks even more gorgeous:

Many young ladies follow her on social media, where she also posts about her life and struggle. She just posted her incredible weight loss journey on Instagram.
She appears even more stunning now that she has lost a lot of weight:
She Become a Motivation for every women,

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